Alistair Rennie – Attending Milford 2006


bleak-warrior-coverI attended Milford shortly after my first publication came out in John Klima’s now legendary “Electric Velocipede”. This was in 2006, a year when things, in writing terms, started happening for me.

Foremost among these was Milford. I submitted the two requisite pieces of work – a surrealist fantasy piece called “A Doom of My Own” (later published in John Klima’s “EV”) and a short story called “BleakWarrior Meets the Sons of Brawl”, now the first chapter of a recently released novel entitled BleakWarrior.

When I look back, it seems to me that “A Doom of My Own” gained the most favour in terms of its reception by the Milford group. But it didn’t cause as much of a reaction as the other piece, which is the basis for a very important and inspiring lesson for me.

I was nervous about submitting “BleakWarrior Meets the Sons of Brawl” because…

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One Step Beyond

One Step Beyond is an anthology that came into being in the minds of a group of SFF writers–more specifically writers that have survived the gauntlet of the Milford experience (and clamoured for more)–who are also members of the ‘One Step Beyond’ writing and critiquing group.

410a739glglIt was decided that each member would donate a story (a reprint) and that all proceeds from sales (bar minimum admin costs) would go to the charity English PEN, which supports writers facing legal problems around the world.

The anthology contains stories written by: Jaine Fenn, Vaughan Stanger, Mike Lewis, Heather Lindsley, Alys Sterling, Mark Bilsborough, Liz Holliday, and there’s one in there from yours truly.

Many thanks go to Vaughan Stanger, who has done all the hard work of organising and editing the anthology; and to Jaine Fenn who is publishing the ebook via her Tower of Chaos imprint. The excellent cover art was created by Tony Hughes.

The official launch of the anthology is on 17th November, but you can get hold of a discounted copy if you pre-order now. Support English PEN and enjoy a raft of great stories!

Purchase links:

Order at Amazon (UK) for £0.99

Order at Amazon (USA) for $0.99
Order at Smashwords for $0.99

Making People In My Head – by Gaie Sebold

A fun and interesting look at writing characters from Gaie Sebold.


babylon-steel-coverSomeone asked me recently, “Which comes first for you, character or plot?”

“Oh, character,” I said. “Character every time.”

And having said it, I realised that it might be generally true – at least, where novels are concerned – but of course, it isn’t as simple as that. A character doesn’t just stroll into my head, named, physically complete and fully costumed, with all their quirks, motivations, backstory, family and taste in beverages neatly arrayed.

I know one or two things about them, to start with. Generally I have a good idea what my major characters look like. In fact they’re often so clear in that respect that I have to remind myself to put some of that stuff on the page, because, unfortunately, readers can’t actually see the picture in my head.

dangerous-gifts-cover-32d6I know what they do for a living. That in itself is part, of course, of who…

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