Cast of Wonders

Parsec Awards – 2014

The Parsec Awards are accepting nominations for the best speculative fiction podcasts.

I have a few favourites:

Clarkesworld Magazine

Lightspeed Magazine

Cast of Wonders – the best audio magazine aimed at the YA market.

Get your nominations in now at Parsec Awards.

Make sure you take advantage of the opportunity to nominate a short story from your favourite podcast. I admit to a vested interest as I have a short story on the Cast of Wonders podcast entitled ‘Patterns’.

All the stories are great. Have a read/listen and remember to nominate!


Cast of Wonders

I’ve just had a short story accepted by Cast of Wonders, a YA Audio magazine. Check out their website, I’m impressed by the quality of provision for the 12 to 17 year old market.