
I like distractions…

There comes a time when I just can’t look at it any more–and by ‘it’ I mean my dissertation. So, I took a break and wrote a fun (but interesting!) article for I found my self decidedly cheered up by their return email and the posting of ‘On The Coat-Tails of Science Fiction’ to their site that very morning.

The Coat-Tails of Science Fiction

Refreshed and reaffirmed… I guess  it’s time to get back to IT.

Self-sufficiency on Mars: Synthetic Biology holds the key

Mars is topical at the moment. In response I looked at the feasibility of building a self-sustaining human colony on the Red Planet. See my article featured on, a website where Science Fiction meets Science Fact. Science Fiction to Reality

asteroid-miningA great website with lots to offer. As a guest blogger I have an article: Developing an off planet mining industry, which looks at the increasing pressure on Earth’s natural resources, and the economic pressure driving private industry’s race to gather the bounty of space.