Writing News

Guess who won the Amazing Stories Readers’ Choice Award?

Surprised, but also very, very happy! My short story ‘Best Case Scenario’ addresses some issues that are close to my heart. Glad that it resonated with readers.

Amazing Stories – Quarterly Vote

One of my stories – ‘Best Case Scenario’ – is on the list for this quarter’s vote. The list is packed full of great stories. Have a look and vote!!

The Martian Wave – 2024

I’m very happy to announce that my short story, ‘Finders Keepers’ has been published in this year’s edition of The Martian Wave by Hiraeth Publishing. This is a story of exploitation and the bravery of the few who stand up for what is right. It is set in the same universe as my SF books and explores the pivotal moment in history when the planet Ghyllach and its valuable crystal resources are first discovered by the Calestis Coalition of planets. The profiteering mining consortium soon discover they have bitten off more than they can chew!

Amazing Stories publishes ‘Best Case Scenario’

I’m happy to announce that the well respected magazine Amazing Stories has published one of my short stories. This wouldn’t have happened without the help and support of my writing groups. Thank You! Solid and professional feedback is what all writers need and I’m lucky enough to have professional writers, who have, over the years, turned into good friends, to offer that support. To all new and aspiring writers out there: find a good writing group. It makes all the difference!

You can read the story here: https://amazingstories.com/2024/02/best-case-scenario-by-susan-oke-free-story/

Second Hand Skin

This short story was inspired by a ‘What if…?’ that has rattled around in the back of my mind for years. What if the clothes you were wearing turned into your skin? What effect would that have on individuals, families, communities? Would the world become a more inclusive place given that everyone had their own unique look, their own unique biology? No more cliques, niches, bolt-holes? Or would we find a whole new way to divide and discriminate?

I took my initial draft to the Milford Speculative fiction group, whose members provided a wealth of advice. Rewrites went around my other writing groups until I finally settled on a form that I thought best suited the story. ‘Second Hand Skin’ was recently published online in The Chamber Magazine. You can read the story here.

Songs for the Elephant Man

A collection of strange contemporary stories featuring outsiders and their tormentors – from the paper based life forms of Alan, to the ghosts of migrants haunting The International Hotel; from the bizarre Two Way Man accused of shocking crimes in 19th Century America, to the teenage bullies of Electricity. These stories include horror, humour, historical fiction, and fantasy. They highlight our capacity for good and for evil – for terrible acts, and for generosity of spirit. And they force us to ask, ‘Who are the real monsters here?’

I am lucky enough to have one of my stories in this rather wonderful collection published by Mantel Lane Press. Check it out here… you might like it!

Songs for the Elephant Man

Once Upon A Parsec

So EXCITED to have one of my stories in this most excellent anthology by NewCon Press…

“Have you ever wondered what the fairy tales of alien cultures are like? For hundreds of years scholars and writers have collected and retold folk and fairy stories from around our world. They are not alone. On distant planets alien chroniclers have done the same. For just as our world is steeped in legends and half-remembered truths of the mystic and the magical, so are theirs.”

Find out more on the NewCon Press website:


100 Voices – Volume Two

One Hundred Voices Volume Two is now available for pre-order! Following up on the success of One Hundred Voices Volume One, there is a brand new collection of short 100-voicesstories and pieces of flash fiction from one hundred unique authors. While a good amount of the authors who will be published in Volume Two were also published Volume One, there are also many new authors from around the world (including me!).

Be sure to check out this exciting new collection. Use the discount code: 100V2V69 to save 10% off the price.

Check Out Volume Two!

Alistair Rennie – Attending Milford 2006


bleak-warrior-coverI attended Milford shortly after my first publication came out in John Klima’s now legendary “Electric Velocipede”. This was in 2006, a year when things, in writing terms, started happening for me.

Foremost among these was Milford. I submitted the two requisite pieces of work – a surrealist fantasy piece called “A Doom of My Own” (later published in John Klima’s “EV”) and a short story called “BleakWarrior Meets the Sons of Brawl”, now the first chapter of a recently released novel entitled BleakWarrior.

When I look back, it seems to me that “A Doom of My Own” gained the most favour in terms of its reception by the Milford group. But it didn’t cause as much of a reaction as the other piece, which is the basis for a very important and inspiring lesson for me.

I was nervous about submitting “BleakWarrior Meets the Sons of Brawl” because…

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One Step Beyond

One Step Beyond is an anthology that came into being in the minds of a group of SFF writers–more specifically writers that have survived the gauntlet of the Milford experience (and clamoured for more)–who are also members of the ‘One Step Beyond’ writing and critiquing group.

410a739glglIt was decided that each member would donate a story (a reprint) and that all proceeds from sales (bar minimum admin costs) would go to the charity English PEN, which supports writers facing legal problems around the world.

The anthology contains stories written by: Jaine Fenn, Vaughan Stanger, Mike Lewis, Heather Lindsley, Alys Sterling, Mark Bilsborough, Liz Holliday, and there’s one in there from yours truly.

Many thanks go to Vaughan Stanger, who has done all the hard work of organising and editing the anthology; and to Jaine Fenn who is publishing the ebook via her Tower of Chaos imprint. The excellent cover art was created by Tony Hughes.

The official launch of the anthology is on 17th November, but you can get hold of a discounted copy if you pre-order now. Support English PEN and enjoy a raft of great stories!

Purchase links:

Order at Amazon (UK) for £0.99

Order at Amazon (USA) for $0.99
Order at Smashwords for $0.99